What type of childcare centre is Cedar Drive Preschool Society (CDPS)?

We are a play based early learning childcare facility. CDPS is a charitable, nonprofit organization. Our facility is run by a volunteer, parent Board of Directors. Each registered family is a member of our society and is eligible to vote and make decisions about our organization. This means every family gets to be a part of their child’s early education experience. We view parents, children and educators as collective partners.

What programs does CDPS offer?

We offer preschool, daycare and out of school (before/after school) programs.

How does a play-based preschool/daycare program prepare my child for kindergarten?

Play is the work of children! By providing an inviting, nurturing and fun play setting, children will become intrinsically motivated to learn. Learning through play will help a child develop the necessary social, physical, emotional, cognitive and creative skills needed for kindergarten and the rest of their early school years.

What does a typical day at CDPS look like?


Tuesday / Thursday

9:15-9:30 First Circle Time/Attendance
9:30-11:00 Free Play
11:00-11:15 Second Circle
11:15 -11:20 Bathroom & Handwash
11:20-11:45 Lunchtime
11:45-12:45 Outside Play

9:15-9:30 First Circle Time/Attendance
9:30-11:00 Free Play
11:00-11:15 Second Circle
11:15 -11:20 Bathroom & Handwash
11:20-11:45 Lunchtime
11:45-12:45 Outside Play


6:45 Indoor Free Play/Quiet Activities/Breakfast
9:45 Clean Up/Bathroom and Hand Wash
10:00 Snack Time
10:30 Outside Play/Nature Walk
11:45 Circle Time/Calendar
11:55 Clean Up/Bathroom and Hand Wash

12:00 Lunch Time
12:30 Story Time and Nap Time (Nappers)/Quiet Time (Non Nappers)
1:30 Free Play
2:55 Clean Up/Bathroom and Hand Wash
3:00 Snack Time
3:30 Second Circle Time/Music and Movement
4:00 Group Games/Outside Play/Muscle Room
5:30 Indoor Freeplay/Quiet Activities

5:50 Departure
6:00 Centre Closes

Out of School Care (OSC)

6:45 Indoor Quiet Activities/Breakfast
8:45 Transport to Elementary School

2:48 Pickup from Elementary School and transport to the centre
3:10 Hand Wash
3:15 Snack Time
3:30 Special Activities/Outdoor Play

4:15 Outdoor Activities (Weather permitting)/ or Inside Active Play

5:50 Departure

6:00 Centre Closes

Do the children have outside time?
Outside play is an important part of our curriculum and active play is a licensing requirement for childcare. We are very fortunate to have a fully fenced playground complete with covered areas, a climber with slide, a sandbox, water play area and a bike path. We usually spend at least 30 minutes outside per day, rain or shine. We also do nature walks and visits to neighbouring parks.

Does my child have to be potty trained to attend preschool or daycare?
Yes. The educators are always available to assist your child, however we encourage autonomy when using the washroom. We recommend parents send their child in clothing that’s easy for them to take off and pull back on.

Do you supply food?
No, parents provide all food for their child.

Do you go on field trips?
Each program takes a variety of field trips and outings throughout the year. We visit local parks and playgrounds. Each of our programs has various special outings and events throughout the year, and further information will be communicated to parents.

How many educators and children are in each class?
Preschool classes have 20 children, consisting of 3 and 4 year olds. There are at least 2 educators in each class and an additional program assistant.
The daycare has a maximum of 16 children in a class, consisting of 3, 4 and 5 year olds. There are 2-3 educators in the daycare class.
The OSC program has 35 school aged children split into two classrooms. Each class has 2 educators.

How do educators handle behavioural issues?
Each child is valued and respected here at CDPS. Educators work hard to build positive connections with every child and family. We believe in recognizing and meeting the children where they’re at, developmentally and building a trusting relationship from there. We only use positive forms of guidance, such as role modelling, reinforcing appropriate behaviour, natural consequences, offering choices, distraction and redirection. We also encourage children to become actively involved in problem solving. We support this by helping children use positive language and discussions to successfully work through problems in the classroom.

What is the best way to prepare my child for preschool or daycare?
Our programs provide ample opportunities for children to practice and develop the skills needed to successfully move on to their next level of education. It can be helpful to introduce a few of the following skills at home prior to your child’s start date:

  • Practice getting dressed independently, especially outdoor clothing
  • Practice opening and closing backpacks, lunch bags, snack containers and packages
  • Practice grasping, holding and using crayons, felts, paint brushes and scissors
  • Practice independent toileting and bathroom routines
  • Practice turn taking and modelling language around waiting for a turn
  • Practice recognizing and writing your child’s name

By practicing and talking about these skills, your child will have a successful start and a smooth transition into their first learning experience.

How do I register my child for the preschool, daycare or OSC program?
Preschool registration typically begins at the end of January for the following September. If you are looking for a specific program, please contact the centre for availability.
Registration for daycare and the OSC programs are continuous. Both programs are currently full but you can have your child’s name added to the waitlist at any point.

How does the waitlist work?
Waitlists are maintained for all programs at the centre. If a program is full and you wish to place your child on our waitlist, please email your child’s name and birthdate to cedardrivepreschool@telus.net. Our preschool waitlist is only maintained for the current school year. Our daycare and OSC waitlists are ongoing.